Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Flash Beginnings

So the boss comes to me and said:

We can make a multiplayer game for kids. With dinosaurs. In Flash.

You can imagine what went racing through my mind.

You have to understand I'm an ASP.Net programmer. I work on enterprise business software. But who am I to complain at a dream chance to finally make a game - how hard can it be right....right?

So we're two months into the project and I've finally decided on the technology stack:

FB (Flex Builder 3) for the IDE - I tried several but was most comfortable with this. Within FB I'm building an AS3 (ActionScript 3.0) only project. I didn't realise at the time how many headaches this would cause. For some strange reason a flex project is the standard manoeuvre in FB...daaaah. Apparently there’s an extra compiler pre-processing stage with flex projects...who knew. But I'm writing a game here folks, and I don't envision a huge amount of textual forms in it.

Server-side we have WebORB for .NET as the game server which allows me to leverage my current skill set with IIS and c#. The other servers out there of interest (SmartFox Server and ElectroServer) were java based and I have my hands full trying to grok AS3.

As for a database I've decided on Microsoft SQL Server (probably 2008 by the time we roll) fronted by web services - again using existing arrows in my technology quiver.

Stay tuned for more adventures in AS3...